Window Replacement & Repair

Comparing Window Costs

Posted December 3, 2018

There Are Many Factors That Determine the Cost of Your Windows

Getting new windows in Woodbridge or anywhere else in the GTA is very exciting when you think about the aesthetic impact they can have on your home and the impact they’ll have on your energy efficiency. What may not excite you, however, is the cost that will come with the windows. You want to get quality windows, but you also need to get them at a cost you can afford. Here are a few ways to go about comparing window costs to help you make the best decisions for your home.  

comparing window costs

When Comparing Window Costs, Compare Only Like Elements

If you are looking at the same elements across the board, it’s much easier to compare the costs. You can’t, for example, compare casement windows made from vinyl materials to casement windows made from wood. Those are two different things and it makes sense that the costs will vary. Try to find windows that are as similar as possible before you start comparing the final costs of those windows.  

vinyl vs. aluminum windows

Look Into The Little Details When Comparing Window Costs

There are a lot of things that have to come together to make up the whole window. You can save on some of the little details that won’t cost you much in appearance or quality. Consider getting standard hardware in white or something else that blends in with the window. It may not have the exact appearance you want, but it’s a small item that can save you money. Even something little adds up over the course of a whole house full of windows. When you have to let something go, make it something that doesn’t matter as much. Never sacrifice quality to save money.  

Looking for More Information on the Cost of Window Replacement in Toronto? Click Here

Compare Value With Window Cost

If you choose double-hung windows and you want to go with vinyl materials, you will focus your search in that direction. Then, when you find two windows that look nice, but one costs more than another, you have to figure out why. Perhaps one has triple-pane glass while the other only has double. Maybe one has a low-E coating on the glass while the other doesn’t. These upgrades cost more, but they also bring more value to your home and can help you save further on your energy bills. While the price is going to be important, so is the cost of your energy bills later. Establishing long-term value is very important to remember when looking at the prices of windows.  

comparing window costs

Have More Questions About the Cost of Replacement Windows? Let’s Talk!

Window replacement can be a daunting process, but the experts at Magic are here to help you figure everything out from start to finish. Regardless of whether a replacement is necessary or you’re actively looking to refresh your home or cottage’s aesthetic, one of our qualified representatives will be happy to walk you through the replacement process and help you find solutions that will work best for your space.

Learn More About Window Replacement On Our Blog:

  1. Energy-Efficient Windows: Here is What to Look For
  2. The Parts of a Window: A Guide to Window Design
  3. The Benefits of Retractable Window Screens and Blinds
  4. 6 Ways to Tell if You Need to Repair or Replace Windows
  5. Why Crank Operated Casement Windows are Mechanically Flawed
  6. 4 Stunning Panoramic Window Walls
  7. The Main Issue With Hollow Vinyl Replacement Windows
  8. 3 Factors That Lead to Secure, Durable and Efficient Replacement Windows
  9. The Window Energy Rating Costs You Money: So Why Do Companies Promote It?
  10. Is There a Best Window For Cold Weather Climates?

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